We received a call from garden plot giver outer who told us we could have a bigger plot since our name came up on the list and we had no weed violations on our current plot. We jumped at the chance to get a beautiful, full sun plot right by the water trough.
The down side to moving was that we had perennials that should flourish this year-thornless blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. For winter gardening, we had also built cold frames. One was pretty well picked out so we emptied it an moved it. The other had beautiful lettuces that weren't quite ready. When we were deciding to leave it for the new occupants or dig out our lettuce, we realized we had put heavy wire mesh on the bottom to keep out the voles. So, we carefully picked up the cold frame, lettuce and all and positioned it in our new plot. The lettuce is ready and we are going to have a big salad tonight.
Once we got the plants moved, we did some digging,(I say we meaning, my husband who does all the heavy lifting.) weeding and covered the plot with leaf mulch to keep new weeds at bay. The previous owners left strawberries for us and we combined some in our frame and left the rest where they were. I planted phlox at the entrance to make our plot look cheery. I love Phlox and we have a shade garden at home so I jumped at the chance to grow it at the plot. We purchased some tomatoes and planted them and also have some seeds in the ground. If the seeds work, great, if not, we have the plants as a back up.
Our grandson was given watermelon seeds and he planted them in little pots in the house. Then we moved those to the plot. He said he has a vision of bringing a big watermelon over to share with his friends in our neighborhood.
Other seeds we planted are sunflowers, beets, spinach, chard, leeks, basil, peas, beans and sweat peas. I am really more interested in flowers than food but it is great to eat something you grow.
I'll post pictures next time.