About Me

Reston, VA, United States
Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Helper

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Garden Day 3

Three days ago we were given a garden plot in Reston. We live in a townhouse in the shade so it's been rather challenging having home grown summer veggies.

Reston has some sunny garden spots for rent and we finally got one. When we arrived 2 days ago, there were 3' weeds. Our spring had been dragging along, with 60 degrees days, a 70 degree day, then back. All of sudden it's in the mid 80s, just in time for us to dig our plot.

We worked for a couple of hours yesterday and got a good start at turning over the soil. Richard had started some cucumbers in a flower pot, so we planted those. I have read that they really don't like their roots disturbed, but I figured it was worth the gamble. When I stopped by this morning, I expected to see droopy plants, but I swear they grew overnight. They love it there.

Also, while I was there this morning, I finished the patch I was working on yesterday. All the soil has to be turned over. Richard was able to start mine and finish his. I was able to finish mine this morning. By the time I was done, I felt as though I had been to the gym. Maybe this is a good thing...a work out and reward of healty food!

When we lived in Germany, we used to ride bikes past the garden plots. The Germans keep them in the family and build little houses on them and put lace curtains in the windows. One of my favorites had the most spectacular apple trees. The guy pruned them meticulously. The secret is to get just enough apples. If you don't prune enough, you get alot of little apples. The trees were pruned so you could pick them without a ladder. I admired that garden plot.

Anyway, our garden is nothing as spectacular as the German ones. However, I have already met several people and have had a good time looking at what others are growing. Once we get the heavy digging and planting finished, we can ride our bikes to water and pick veggies.

1 comment:

  1. just a warning - you signed a contract saying that your trees won't be any higher than 5 feet :)
